Sunday, November 12, 2006

Boba Fett's Slave III

I bet you think Boba Fett's dead. In Return of the Jedi we all watched him get eaten by the Sarlac. The story continues in some book I can't remember right now. Probably Tales of the Bounty Hunter. Anyway. The point is that Boba's not dead, he got out of the Sarlac. He got his ship back. After that, he got himself a sweet Slave II. I don't have a picture of that, but it's cool.

Here we have the next ship in Boba's arsenal. The Slave III. It's his heavy-duty tug ship. I think it's dope. I was born too early or something. My dream is to get myself a self-sufficient starship and just cruise around the galaxy. The Slave III by Mandal Motors would do the job nicely.